
Get Active Kids Voucher

Great news! Round 7 of the Get Active Kids Voucher Program is available now!

Thanks to the Victorian Government, your child could be eligible for up to $200 to support their involvement in sport and recreation activities, including swimming and tennis lessons.

Option 1: Swimming lessons here at Cardinia Life

Option 2: Tennis lessons at Pakenham Regional Tennis Centre

In this latest round, applications for a voucher or a reimbursement will close when the allocation has been exhausted so get in quick to take advantage of this great program today! Once issued, you’ll have until 30 April 2024 to redeem your voucher with us.

Financial support is available through two funding streams:

1. Reimbursement for costs already paid

2. A voucher towards future costs not yet paid

To help your family access this funding we’ve put together the key information needed for you, with full details of the program available at:

Who can apply? To apply for a Get Active Kids voucher, each child must be:

· 18 years or under, and

· living in Victoria, and

· named on a current Australian Government Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, and

· named on a valid Australian Government Medicare card.

How do I apply? To apply, follow these simple steps:

1. Visit

2. Select “Apply for a Voucher”

3. Follow the on-screen prompts to register your details and complete the online application

How do I redeem my voucher if successful?

Simply share your voucher code with us once received and we’ll deduct the relevant amount from your fees.

For further information visit

Outdoor pool opening hours

Pool status

19th Feb

Temp – 21c

*The outdoor pool status will be updated at 4pm everyday.

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