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Little Wonders Explorers

Explore Cardinia Leisure

A swim program for little ones aged 4 to 12 months.

Little Wonders Explorers

Little Wonders Explorers is a 30-minute safety and water familiarisation program for little ones aged 4 to 12 months. Your child will experience the water through fun and exploration-based play, and you will be provided with water safety education to ensure your little wonder is safer around water.

If you’re looking for an activity to do with your child that promotes sensory development, come down and join the fun.

Class Information

Key information

  • Schedule: Mondays & Wednesdays during swim school terms
  • Time: 11am
  • Duration: 30-minute duration
  • Cost: $5.50 per class
  • Parent participation: Parent must be in water with child

Preparation and Booking

  • Arrival time: Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to class starting to pay & obtain your ticket at reception.
  • Book Online: Once you have submitted your registration form you can easily book your spot via the link provided 24 hours prior to class.
  • Booking Closure: Bookings close at 10:55am to ensure no disruption once class has commenced
  • Capacity: This class has capacity for 10 children, and will be open for bookings at reception 60 minutes prior to class commencing.
  • Additional Classes: Should we exceed capacity, we will look to add another class.

Swimwear Requirements

  • Please ensure you and your child have appropriate swim wear on for the class, including a swim-nappy for your child.

Register your interest

Submit the form below to register you and your child for Little Wonders Explorers at Cardinia Life.

Note: Registering does not book your spot for the class. It is a casual class, meaning it works on a first in first served basis, with booking opened 60 minutes prior to class at reception at Cardinia Life.

Cardinia Life

Outdoor pool opening hours

Pool status

7th March

Temp – 30c

*The outdoor pool status will be updated at 4pm everyday.