
Watch around water

Explore Cardinia Leisure

Watch around water policy

Cardinia Leisure facilities has in place a ‘Watch Around Water’ policy which applies at Cardinia Life and the seasonal pools within the Cardinia shire. This policy relates to parental/guardian supervision of children at all times. The basics of this policy are as follows:

  • Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied into the facility by a responsible adult of 16 years and over and actively supervised at all times while in the facility. If children are unsupervised they will be removed from the water.
  • Children under 5 years must be accompanied into the facility by a responsible adult 16 yrs and over and be supervised within arm’s reach at all times while in the facility. The parent MUST be in the water, if children are not within arm’s reach of their parent or guardian at all times, they will be removed from the water.
  • Children ages 5 to 9 will be issued a wrist band which must be worn at all times.
  • If you are not a confident swimmer or have a preexisting medical condition please let our staff know upon entry.
Please be aware of these additional important aspects of the “Watch Around Water” policy which applies at Cardinia Leisure’s aquatic sites:
  • Groups won’t be admitted where the number of parents/guardians supervising a group of children under 5 years exceeds 1:2.
  • Groups won’t be admitted where the number of parents/guardians supervising a group of children aged 5-9 years exceeds 1:4.
  • Children under 5 years won’t be admitted without a fee paying parent/guardian, (or a responsible parent/guardian card holder in the case of swim school members) who is prepared to enter the water.
  • For children 10 years and older, parents must use knowledge of the child’s ability and development to determine supervision level.
  • Children 5-9 years will need to visit reception to be issued with a wrist band before entering the water.

Outdoor pool opening hours

Pool status

19th Feb

Temp – 21c

*The outdoor pool status will be updated at 4pm everyday.

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