
Swim Safe

Cardinia Life is a SwimSafe Facility

Cardinia Life have demonstrated their continued commitment to the safety of their most vulnerable patrons by becoming accredited with Life Saving Victoria’s SwimSafe awareness campaign.

SwimSafe was originally developed following Coronial recommendations and aims to improve the safety of vulnerable swimmers at Victorian aquatic facilities. The campaign enables and prepares facility staff to better support patrons from CALD communities, patrons with disabilities and pre-existing medical conditions and older adults to be safe whilst recreating.

The campaign has been evidenced as effective at communicating key safety messages to adult vulnerable swimmers and has been proven in research to be effective at educating both staff and patrons about the vulnerabilities of weak and non-swimmers.

“Drowning research consistently informs us that we need to better engage with CALD communities, those with pre-existing medical conditions and those with a disability to ensure every visit to an aquatic facility is safe and enjoyable, and SwimSafe has now delivered an evidence-based solution to support this objective,” said Alek Olszewski, LSV Manager – Aquatic Industry Services. “SwimSafe is a key step towards making public pools safer for adult vulnerable swimmers and those that pool staff traditionally been equipped to deliver key safety messages in a non-confronting way.”

The campaign acknowledges the social, health and wellbeing benefits of aquatic activities and supports LSV’s purpose ‘to save lives and empower communities to safely enjoy water’. It was designed and developed in partnership with and for the Victorian aquatic industry.

SwimSafe accreditation provides aquatic facilities and patrons with:

•             The benefits of an evidence-based industry-leading safety initiative

•             A wide variety of display and multi-media resources and tools

•             Staff training and professional development activities

•             Guidance and support on implementation and continuous improvement

•             Training and professional development support

Cardinia Life is now part of a community of over 100 aquatic facilities across the State who have demonstrated their commitment to safety, by becoming accredited.

For further information please contact [email protected], 03 9676 6985 or visit the WEBSITE.

Outdoor pool opening hours

Pool status

19th Feb

Temp – 21c

*The outdoor pool status will be updated at 4pm everyday.

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