
Waterproof Your Child for Summer

The past two years has seen a significant amount of missed swimming lessons, but it is not too late to waterproof your child for the Summer.

Our Swim & Survive program is a comprehensive initiative of Royal Life Saving, that seeks to increase the swimming & water safety skills of all Australian children to prevent drowning and increase participation in safe aquatic activity.

Skills and knowledge learnt in the Swim & Survive program provides a level of protection and aims to provide children with solid foundation skills in swimming, survival and basic rescue skills.

There are three weeks left of Term 4 2021 and spots available for your child!

To enrol call Cardinia Life now on 5945 2888 or email [email protected]

Outdoor pool opening hours

Pool status

19th Feb

Temp – 21c

*The outdoor pool status will be updated at 4pm everyday.

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